This investigation will pursue an aggressive leach of fresh and aged samples of
wastewater treatment plant solids from NB Coal Ltd.'s Fireroad hydrated lime
neutralization facility using acid mine water collected from the site to monitor the
leachability of iron, aluminum and other minor metal hydroxides contained in the
solids. This investigation will use samples of relatively fresh (<2 months) and also
aged (1 to 3 years) solids. Each sample Will be batch leached with acidic mine
water. A total of 10 two week leach cycles will be conducted in triplicate using 3
reactors containing fresh solids and 3 reactors containing aged solids. In addition, 2
reactors monitoring progress of solid amendments in the water will be investigated.
These sensitivity cases will monitor the effect of the newly generated sludge from
the mine water and the behaviour of the solids when it is reintroduced into the
acidic mine water after treatment to pH 8.5.