This guideline document is designed to serve as a single source introductory guide to a wide range of AMD monitoring concerns, while also providing users with information on the latest and most
valuable literature sources for more site-specific concerns and emerging monitoring techniques. The document is structured to provide a guide for the design and implementation of monitoring programs from the perspective of the development of a new mine. The recognition of AMD potential and the integration of AMD monitoring within the overall environmental monitoring program during the pre-operational phase will minimize AMD effects and optimize sampling and cost efficiency. Additional information is provided for currently operating or decommissioned mines which face AMD concerns.
AMD monitoring requirements are addressed for both Source and Receiving environments, with receiving environment concerns restricted to freshwater systems. The source environment is defined as the potential freshwater contaminant pathways between the source of AMD generation and the designated point of release to the environment, which usually consists of the furthest downstream water quality compliance station. The receiving environment consists of the freshwater environment downstream (or down-gradient) of the water quality compliance stations.